Blob Party

Designer: Pam Walls

Publisher: WizKids

Two categories of games that can get a lot of players to the table are cooperative games and word games. As a result, it’s no surprise to see them pretty consistently popping up in our Early Gamers category; there’s almost always a good new addition to the canon each year. This year, we’re excited to talk about another game that skillfully combines the two: Blob Party! In Blob Party, each player starts out as a solitary blob and the group is prompted with a couple words to try and form a guess from. If you guess the same thing as another person, you combine into a bigger blob and answer together! You even get little clay blobs to make it offical. The goal? Everyone as one blob.

Several folks on the committee noted, of course, the joy of combining blobs into one mega-blob, but also appreciated the approachability of Blob Party, as it encourages players to chat with each other and agree before they provide an answer as a team. There’s no real competition; your only goal is to get everyone on the same page, making it a great way to open up or close down game night with a challenge and a laugh. As a result, we were pleased to name Blob Party this year’s Early Gamers winner.

What Our Committee Is Saying

I was very pleasantly surprised by this game. Plus, you get to smash little blobs with googly eyes into an even bigger one. What’s not to love?

Eric Yurko

A wonderful blend of word game, group think, and clay, Blob Party is an outstanding choice for gamers and non-gamers alike, with its simple rules, engaging game play, and tactile clay blobs.

Ruel Gaviola

Photos courtesy of Dan “Shoe” Hsu. All rights reserved.